Welcome to the WDS Countdown Creator!
WDisneySecrets.com is proud to present our fabulous Countdown Creator!. You can use this tool to create a countdown that you can use in Signatures and posts on our very friendly forums. And because we are so nice, you can use your Countdown on other websites as well (mentioning where you got it from would be great!)
Preview of your countdown:
You can use your countdown by copying and pasting one of the Urls below to wherever you may want it.
BB Code:
(Use this one in Forum Signatures and Posts)
HTML Image tag:
(Use this one in your own Web Pages!)
Plain Url:
(ideal for general use)
Settings Fonts & Colours Backgrounds Sliders
Countdown Type:
Place your mouse cursor over each of the fields on the left to see an explanation.
Title Text
Counter Text
Select the Background image you wish to use for your Countdown:
Select the Slider image you wish to use for your Countdown: