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The Jeweled Dragon Acrobats at Epcot

The Jeweled Dragon Acrobats at Epcot


In China it is customary for aspiring athletes and acrobats to begin training and preparation at a very early age. The dream is to audition and be selected to join a professional acrobat troupe.

The Jeweled Dragon Acrobats are such a troupe and they have just launched a year-long engagement at Epcot, arriving directly from China. Consisting of six men and two women, all between 18 and 21 years old, the talented performers have been together as a troupe for three years.


These gifted acrobats perform five shows daily, five days a week in the China courtyard and showcase extraordinary feats of strength, agility and balance. I discovered this amazing troupe yesterday afternoon and am displaying a small gallery of snapshots to whet your appetite.


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