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History of Disney Secrets

About us

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Welcome to Disney Secrets 🙂 thanks for visiting and wondering about how we came to be.


As a long time Disney visitor, I’ve read all the major Disney forums and sites for many years as a guest. It always felt as though the sites had their own core of people who were posting and I felt nervous about joining in. I guess a few of you reading will know that feeling!


I decided to setup a site with the aim of being genuinely open for anyone to join and have fun! Less restrictive moderation, fewer “rules” all whilst still retaining a family feel. We welcome everyone to our site, other than forum spammers or troublemakers. Whether you’re from the US/UK or elsewhere, you’ll be welcomed as a friend.


To my surprise, many other people felt the same way and quickly joined our Secrets Family! These founder members have put up with a lot to be here and my personal thanks goes out to them all.


So here we are! We’re still new, but we’re a vibrant, spirited and above all friendly and inclusive group of the nicest people you could hope to meet.


Every day we see more and more visitors to our forums and we have a very new set of web pages which will eventually evolve to become an invaluable guide to all things Disney. Please do “pardon our dust” whilst we add all the wonderful information we have. We’ll get there!


For the techies amongst you, Disney Secrets is hosted on multiple servers spread over three first class telco datacentres. It utilises a state of the art storage array from NetApp with multi petabyte capability. The site and forums are run on both Windows Server 2008 and Red Hat 5 Linux platforms. We were one of the first, if not the first, Disney sites to run completely on a high availability VMWare ESX Datacentre configuration meaning that should our hardware develop a failure, or the site require more resources, the site seamlessly moves itself to other hardware without anyone ever noticing. This self repair and autoupgrade facility means we can stay nice and fast for our guests without having painful server upgrades and moves.

Our aim is to be a genuinely useful and above all friendly Disney and Orlando holiday planning site


Many thanks to everyone who has helped make us a success whether you contribute day to day or just read the posts. If you haven’t already, please consider registering! It’s totally free and you’re supporting our efforts just by joining.


Finally, my heartfelt thanks to the people without whom this site would not be possible, the moderators, administrators and site design helpers. These fantastic people are volunteers who devote more time to this site than anyone would have a right to expect or hope for. They work tirelessly behind the scenes doing more than you could imagine and deserve all our respect and gratitude. It is they, far more so than I, who make this site the friendly, welcoming place that it is.

Thanks again for taking the time to visit us and from everyone involved in secrets, we hope you enjoy wDisney


Kind regards


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